About The Teacher

About The Teacher

Name: Ms. Kuhn


Class: Mathematics

School Phone:


About The Teacher

My name is Robin Kuhn, and I am honored and thrilled to be your child's teacher this year.  Just to give you a little background about myself, I was born in Houston, Texas but grew up in Spring, Texas.  After graduating from Spring High School in 2004, I attended North Harris Community College for about a year and a half before transferring to Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas.   I started attending Sam Houston State in August 2005 and graduated in December 2009.  I was awarded with a Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies/Academic Studies (EC-4) with a minor in Mathematics (4-8).  Since I was a little girl, I always knew I wanted to be a teacher, but what I didn't know is that I wanted to teach mathematics.

My wonderful fiance and I are getting married on June 12, 2010 in Houston, Texas.  We plan on moving to Tomball, Texas and eventually will start a family of our own.  We met each other at Sam Houston State University.  If you see me around town, please say "hi".  I look forward to getting to know you and your child this year.

Mission For The Class

I love math because I love having only one correct answer.  I also love the problem solving aspect of math.  My goal this year is to pass on this passion to my students.  The world our children will face as adults will require them to be able to solve problems that we adults cannot even imagine today.  I want to give my students the solid foundation they will need to be the creative problem solvers of the future and I want each student leaving my class in a successful manner.